
  • eGazettes of States and Union Territories of India

    eGazettes of states and union territories of India. Find more info on History, Purpose & Contents of Gazette and eGazette. What is eGazette? eGazette is electronic Gazette and was launched in year 2008. eGazette has not only brought easy access to information for general public but has also created a digitized record of notifications for…

  • Gazette of India – Significance and Contents

    Significance and Contents of Gazette of India, including its history, purpose and legal basis for publication of laws through eGazette. 1. Introduction As per Section 3 of General Clauses Act, 1897 the “official Gazette” or “Gazette” shall mean the Gazette of India or the official Gazette of a State. 2. History Gazette as a terminology…

  • Act becomes Law when notified in Gazette of India

    When does an Act become Law? When does an Act passed by Parliament become enforceable? How is an Act notified to public at large? 1. Parliamentary Procedure in brief After a Draft Bill is passed by both Houses of Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha), it goes to the President of India for assent. Only…

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