Criminal Law

  • Supreme Court on Case Diary – Judgments

    Case Diary is an important tool in the criminal investigation process, ensuring that all actions taken by the police are documented and are open to scrutiny by police and the courts. 1. What is a Case Diary? A Case Diary refers to the record maintained by the police during the investigation of a criminal case.…

  • Anticipatory Bail in Matrimonial Cases (Sec 438 CrPC): Supreme Court Judgments

    1. Introduction Resolution of matrimonial disputes calls for extra care and empathy on part of authorities including courts in order to prevent any further escalation of acrimony between parties in dispute. At times, matrimonial disputes resolve when both parties are willing to give up their allegations to make a fresh start in life. Whereas sometimes…

  • False Affidavit: Supreme Court Judgments

    Filing a false affidavit or swearing to a false affidavit is a serious offence and can have significant legal consequences. 1. What is an Affidavit? An affidavit is a sworn written statement of fact that is used as evidence in legal proceedings. 2. Filing false affidavit is an Offence When a person submits a false…

  • Perjury: Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice

    At common law courts took action against a person who was shown to have made a statement, material in the proceedings, which he knew to be false or did not believe to be true. The offence committed by him is known as perjury. Dealing with the history of the offence, Sanford H. Kadish in ‘Encyclopedia…

  • Justice Krishna Iyer on Bail or Jail

    Supreme Court’s landmark judgment (Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer) on bail or jail. 1. Case Citation Supreme Court – Gudikanti Narasimhulu and Ors vs Public Prosecutor, High Court Of Andhra Pradesh – 1978 AIR 429, 1978 SCR (2) 371. Bench: Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer 2. Judgment ORDER KRISHNA IYER, J.: “Bail or jail ?”- at the…

  • Custody in Section 170 CrPC – Interpretation

    Explanation and Correct interpretation of the word Custody in Section 170 CrPC 1. Introduction Section 170 CrPC reads – Section 170 in The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 170. Cases to be sent to Magistrate when evidence is sufficient. (1) If, upon an investigation under this Chapter, it appears to the officer-in-charge of the police…

  • Human Liberty and Section 482 CrPC

    In Arnab Manoranjan Goswami v. State of Maharashtra, (2021) 2 SCC 427 the Supreme Court of India ruled- “67. Human liberty is a precious constitutional value, which is undoubtedly subject to regulation by validly enacted legislation. As such, the citizen is subject to the edicts of criminal law and procedure. Section 482 recognises the inherent…

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