Disciplinary Proceedings

  • Standard of Proof in Disciplinary Proceedings

    The standard of proof in disciplinary proceedings is different from that in a criminal trial. In Suresh Pathrella v. Oriental Bank of Commerce (2006) 10 SCC 572, a two judge Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court differentiated between the standard of proof in disciplinary proceedings and criminal trials in the following terms: “ …the yardstick…

  • Corruption and Punishment of Dismissal from Service

    “22. In Municipal Committee, Bahadurgarh v. Krishnan Behari, AIR 1996 SC 1249 this Court held as under: (SCC p. 715, para 4) “4. … In a case of such nature—indeed, in cases involving corruption—there cannot be any other punishment than dismissal. Any sympathy shown in such cases is totally uncalled for and opposed to public…

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