Legal Maxims

  • Legal Maxim – Dura Lex Sed Lex – Law of Limitation

    It is a settled legal proposition that law of limitation may harshly affect a particular party but it has to be applied with all its rigour when the statute so prescribes.  The Court has no power to extend the period of limitation on equitable grounds.  “A result flowing from a statutory provision is never an evil. A…

  • Supreme Court on the Doctrine of Stare Decisis

    “10. It is a settled principle of law that a judgment, which has held the field for a long time, should not be unsettled. The doctrine of stare decisis is expressed in the maxim “stare decisis et non quieta movere”, which means “to stand by decisions and not to disturb what is settled.” Lord Coke…

  • Legal Maxims

    Abundaans cautela non nocet – Abundant caution does no harm. Actio exteriora indicant interiora secreta – External actions show internal secrets. Actio personalis moritur cum persona – A personal action dies with the person. Actor qui contra regulam quid adduxit, non est audiendus – He ought not to be heard who advances a proposition contrary to…

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